Looking for screw compressors or pumps that you cannot find on the market?
Looking for own production of top-performing range of screw compressors or pumps?
Here is the answer – Development “on-demand” from SRM
Ever since SRM built the first working screw compressor in 1935 our focus has been the development of rotating machines. Today we can design screw compressors, turbo compressors, blowers, screw pumps and screw expanders to fit exactly your needs and specifications.
Our contribution to your business is a short “time to market” for your application.

SRM can take a tailored compressor through:
If number of units is expected to be significant, we can transfer necessary technology to your company for continuing license manufacturing. This is the way we introduce SRM screw compressors and pumps worldwide.
To design compressors and pumps SRM use its own proven technology. SRM machines are designed with very precise clearances and tailored profiles to ensure top performance during operation.
World-class engineering
We provide state of the art engineering solutions, commitment and advice through the whole product development project. Our engineers are skilled in design of flow machines. Design features of your compressor or pump are carefully selected to fit your operational conditions and your specific requirements.

Own product line for prototypes and small series
Our production line is equipped with high precision machinery to ensure proper verification of design.
Dedicated responsibility
One project manager is responsible for your project, minimizing the demands on your time and resources. You always have a direct communication with the project manager in any project issues.
Performance testing and review
SRM test laboratories are well equipped to perform advanced testing of compressors, expanders and other flow equipment. Every single part is quality controlled without compromises before assembly to ensure the best performance of your product.
Support you can rely on
Our skilled technicians are ready to supervise the transfer of manufacturing process to your company, as well as provide training for your staff.
Typical applications
Typical applications for SRM screw compressors “on-demand”.
Please contact Oleg Mossiaguine | +46 (0) 733 004 555 | oleg.mossiaguine@rotor.se